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The No BS Coach

  • ⚡ Magnetic AF! ⚡AKA: How to Build Your Brand + Blow Up Your Biz!💥
  • ⚡ Magnetic AF! ⚡AKA: How to Build Your Brand + Blow Up Your Biz!💥
  • ⚡ Magnetic AF! ⚡AKA: How to Build Your Brand + Blow Up Your Biz!💥
  • ⚡ Magnetic AF! ⚡AKA: How to Build Your Brand + Blow Up Your Biz!💥
  • ⚡ Magnetic AF! ⚡AKA: How to Build Your Brand + Blow Up Your Biz!💥
  • ⚡ Magnetic AF! ⚡AKA: How to Build Your Brand + Blow Up Your Biz!💥
  • ⚡ Magnetic AF! ⚡AKA: How to Build Your Brand + Blow Up Your Biz!💥
  • ⚡ Magnetic AF! ⚡AKA: How to Build Your Brand + Blow Up Your Biz!💥
  • ⚡ Magnetic AF! ⚡AKA: How to Build Your Brand + Blow Up Your Biz!💥
  • ⚡ Magnetic AF! ⚡AKA: How to Build Your Brand + Blow Up Your Biz!💥
  • ⚡ Magnetic AF! ⚡AKA: How to Build Your Brand + Blow Up Your Biz!💥
  • ⚡ Magnetic AF! ⚡AKA: How to Build Your Brand + Blow Up Your Biz!💥
  • ⚡ Magnetic AF! ⚡AKA: How to Build Your Brand + Blow Up Your Biz!💥
  • ⚡ Magnetic AF! ⚡AKA: How to Build Your Brand + Blow Up Your Biz!💥
  • ⚡ Magnetic AF! ⚡AKA: How to Build Your Brand + Blow Up Your Biz!💥

⚡ Magnetic AF! ⚡AKA: How to Build Your Brand + Blow Up Your Biz!💥


Ever wonder how I can sell things with next to 'bugger all' deets and have people sprinting at top speed to get their credit cards yelling:




🧐 CLUE: it’s not magic*


*buuuut it kinda is


💬 ’I have always kicked myself when I dont book your courses with the pre sale price and then can't afford it when it goes up and realise i really should have just done it. So I'm not missing out this time. I don't think there are many people in the world I would just hand over money to with no idea what or when for, I think this is definitely a super power you have and I would like to learn it 😂’ 💬


When I sell things with hardly any deets (and I’ve sold with absolutely zero deets too) I’m not using some kinda subconscious voodoo brain munching magic.


From a sales perspective, I’m not always selling to everyone

in my audience.


I’m selling to people who already know the value of my offers.


I’m selling to people who have a level of self belief that whatever they do, they win in every situation.


But primarily, I’m selling to a specific buyer and they have an established relationship with me and my brand.


People aren’t buying for shits and giggles. 😏


They’re buying from a 'brand' (oh and I know exactly how to sell to them) 🤩


TBH it's a money generating combo that means I can effortlessly sell low price programs, mid priced memberships, high priced 1:1 private coaching and have people lining up round the block, to join my transformational in person events and retreats. 💥


Build a brand, and wherever you go, whatever you do, eyes (and money!) will follow.💫


If you've got any kinda connection to the birth world you'll know Emma: AKA 'The Naked Doula' (and if you don't, errr HELLLOOOO what fucking ROCK have you been living under?! 🤣).


When Emma first contacted me about mentoring her after her doula training back in 2020, I was still living in Dubai and Emma was starting to get clearer and clearer on her HUGE-ASS, bold AF mission, to show women all over the world how to own the absolute shit out of their births!


And fuck me sideways she done just that in SPECTACULAR style over the past 4 years! 🤯😱🤩🥳


Gotta tell ya: I am next-level 'business mum' proud of all the things Emma's achieved with 'The Naked Doula' brand since then: a wildly popular digital course, podcast, an app, guest speaking at massive events and retreats, supporting births in person and virtually and her newly published book...


Through the evolution of 'The Naked Doula' brand, she's positively and POWERFULLY impacted thousands and thousands and THOUSANDS of births WORLDWIDE, she's created a MOVEMENT: an actual birth revolution.


So what's the big vision for your brand? 🤔


A fully booked diary of clients with a nice long wait list because you’re known as the 'go to’ in your area? 📝


Courses and retreats that sell out on the early bird price?? ✅


Maybe it's squillions of downloads on your pod or eyes on your YouTube channel?? 🎧


Got a book in you?! (I know I've got a fucking TRILOGY in me ready to be written! 🤓)


Maybe you simply wanna switch loo roll for cash and wipe your arse on tenners - let's fucking go!! Zero judgement here babe! 💸


Whatever your dream is, trust me, building a BRAND is the #1 way to get there.


It's how you'll stop blending in with every other person offering the exact same shit you do and become THE #1 name on everyone's lips anytime someone says:


'Hey, I'm looking for a *insert your magic here* got any recommendations??'


Build a brand and the answer will always be YOU!!


You really can't afford NOT to get yo sweet arse inside!


As soon as you regsiter, everything is pinged straight to your inbox with LIFE TIME ACCESS!!


Magnetic AF! is for you: if you're as committed to your personal evolution, as you are to your business evolution, for your whole, entire life time! 💫


Magnetic AF! is for you: if you know in your bonessss that what you're 'doing' today, isn't what you'll be 'doing' in 5 years AND you understand that EVERYTHING IS CONNECTED and a CRUCIAL chapter in the story of how you get 'there'. 💫


(pls promise not to forget me when you do get 'there'! bc it's gonna be EPIC AF and I wanna celebrate with you!)


Look, I know you're shitting bricks but it's time to enter your main character era and become MAGNETIC AF!


If you're ready to stop worrying about leaving people behind, THIS IS FOR YOU! 🚀


If you're ready to get out of your HEAD and into your MAGIC, THIS IS FOR YOU! 🚀


If you're ready for NEXT LEVEL CONFIDENCE and to build a brand that people can't take their eyes off...







Babe: time to stop fucking around, BUILD YOUR BRAND + BLOW UP YOUR BIZ! 🧨


Scroll up and register NOW and get INSTANT ACCESS to over 8 hours of BRAND BUILDING, BUSINESS TRANSFORMING, LIFE CHANGING content!




Magnetic AF! is included in The 6% Membership and when you register for this program, your entire investment is redeemable when you join The 6%!

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