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The No BS Coach


Life & Business Coach
for heart-led entrepreneurs



You know that one person who when you listen to all their wild and wonderful stories seems like they've lived 100 lives already and you just KNOW they have 100 more in them? 

That'll be ME.

I'm Lisa and I've never followed the 'conventional path' to anything in life. I first realised I could make my own rules, create pure magic in my life and manifest all kinds of amazing shit, when I was just 14 years old. 

And it turns out I'm really bloody good at helping other people to find their 'thing'... to show them exactly how to access their magic and make money doing what they love...(and yes...I'm bragging)

You know there's a 1 in 400 TRILLION chance of a human being born...​  



I'll save you a few seconds…14 zeros...I counted them, twice (because: Virgo)

So apparently you already won the lottery...LITERALLY several times over…

and you’re WAY more lucky than you give yourself credit for.

IDK about you, but I intend to leverage the crap out of those odds and squeeze every drop of adventure out of my time on this planet. 

If you're done half arsing life and can't shake off the feeling that there's more out there for you... more joy, more adventure, more clients, more money, more love or more meaning...step into my office...



I’ve made a a bit of a name for myself helping doulas, midwives all kinds of coaches to create wildly profitable AND sustainable businesses.


10K Doulas...100K Midwives...6 Figure Coaches...


I’ve been showing people how to tap into life changing levels of self belief for yonkers. I've lost count of the babies and businesses I've seen birthed over the last 14 years: as a doula and the birth world's GO-TO life and biz coach.

But before we get into that...

Let's pop back to 2002...when I was a single mum, holding a glass of wine sitting in front of a tarot card reader..


‘You’re going to Mexico...’


‘Who Me?!’


This woman looked me dead in the eye and told me a life changing experience was waiting for me in Mexico…and I HAD TO GO...and a week later (plus a short term loan from ‘The Bank of Dad’) I was standing at the top of of Chichén Itzá having an out of body experience.


Like someone plugged my soul directly into The Universal Circuit Board, handed me a brand new pair of eyes and gave my internal belief system an all over body scrub.

I ugly cried the entire 10 hour flight home because I knew, once we landed, my life would never EVER be the same...

The decision throw all reason out the window, trust myself and follow the omens to Mexico, led me to one conversation...a life defining moment and honestly, in that moment I became a totally new version of myself.

In the blink of an eye I walked out of a highly paid corporate job, a single mum with a mortgage and school fees to pay and absolutely NOT A SCOOBIES what I was going to 'do' other than to stop seeing my job as my SOLE purpose and start looking for my SOUL purpose...and NEVER, EVER settle for second best again.


I knew how to make money but I wanted to make a differencefor me, for my daughter and for every heart I had the opportunity to touch...and I FULLY intended to live my life with zero regrets from that moment forwards.


That one decision has lead me to more than I could've dreamed of. The absolute love of my life. More children. A life of adventure, authenticity, service, community....I've built a wildly successful 6 figure business that doesn't feel like work, makes money while I sleep AND creates BIG impact + BIG income.


Born in London and raised in Yorkshire, I’ve lived on the shores of Lake Geneva in Switzerland, amongst the glitz and luxe of Dubai and the chic streets of Paris and that’s just the beginning! I've got 3 outrageously resilient kids who speak 7 languages between them and IMHO THE sexiest and most supportive husband on Planet Earth.

My biggest ‘little girl’ has travelled and lived all over the world and her younger brother and sister have the most exciting plans for their lives.  

Because when you  live a life without limits everyone around you can't help but see what’s possible for them too!


Don't get me wrong, I've overcome my fair share of obstacles along the way - divorce, depression, redundancy...but my unwavering self belief has been the lighthouse guiding me safely through every storm.


Wanna know a secret?


The life and biz you dream of IS out there. It’s as available to you as it is to anyone.


We are all made from the same 'stardust' but so many people live their whole life never realising just how much more they could experience...


You get to THRIVE personally, professionally and financially and live as the fullest, most authentic, limitless and HIGH FUCKING DEFINITION version of YOU. I wanna show you how to bring every aspect of your totally unique brand of fabulousness to the world and never, EVER look back.

Ready to change your life?


Let's talk...


You've probably worked out already I'm not a 'cookie cutter' life and business coach - all polished pictures, pen and notebook poised, large hat (WTF is that all about) and slick visuals.  Oh and if you want a portfolio of certifications and paper credentials exit here...

My coaching is a truly magical mixture of intuitive, strategic and energetic techniques firmly grounded in my experience of living, eating breathing and shitting this stuff. EVERY. DAMN. DAY.

I'm expertly qualified because I don't just understand the how - I know how to execute, how to sustain and how to innovate.


It's time to decide which ones need to be turfed off the sofa like an unwanted lodger hogging the remote, covered in Quavers, who you really need to get rid of ASAP and hit the unsubscribe button on the shit that's been keeping you small and taking up the space that your dreams should be filling.


  • Ready to ditch the excuses you've been giving yourself on repeat and finally create a life and biz you're in love with?

  • Done with self doubt, playing it small and letting what other people think stop you from DOING THE THING?

  • Want to create the kind of 'work' that is fun, fulfilling, profitable and doesn't have you pulling your hair out one strand at a time?

  • Know you have a life changing talent to share but no fucking cue about business, operations, strategy, structures, scaling and making it actually work FOR YOU?

  • Have feeling inside you're here for more...but you're not sure WTF it is or how to make it happen?

Answered yes to any of these questions? Let's get started on the chapter of your autobiography that begins 'and that was the moment when my life changed forever...'?
The Outcome:

A life and biz you’re so head over heels in love with, you’ll inspire and annoy the shit out of everyone SIMULTANEOUSLY.

The How:

Through tried and tested coaching, business strategies from marketing to systems, prioritising personal AND professional growth and me activating a fuck ton of self trust in YOU!

from 4 months to a whole glorious, adventurous year that will fly so fast you’ll be like ‘wait! what?’ this is MY LIFE ALREADY?!

Working with me is a combo of 1:1 sessions and voice coaching and I have options from 1 month to 1 year.

It's a no BS blend of person centred, kick-ass life and biz coaching skills, a nurturing touch from over a decade as a birth doula, as well as proven tools and strategies to transform and move you forwards - faster than an Aldi check out operator wanging your haul from the aisle of temptation towards you at top speed.

I have a special soft spot for birth workers - I want you to WIN. To create sustainable and wildly profitable businesses. I've supported people to create multiple 6 figure businesses, refine and scale their existing set up and take things to their next level with ease....but I don't yes to everyone. The real 'alchemy' happens when the dream client and the dream coach collide. And as spectacular as I think I am, some people don't fall instantly in love with me (fools) and I trust myself enough to know when to say no.

So before anyone gets giddy let's book a 30 minute connection call and see if we both feel we can jump into this adventure together.

If you want a flavour of my work before jumping into 1:1 have a nosey at my group programs here and see what tickles your fancy. Or send me a message and I'll point you in the direction of something that will be in your inbox quicker than you can say 'I'm so fucking over trying to do this alone' 

The Duration:


'Lisa Sykes is my NON NEGOTIABLE. I absolutely LOVE having Lisa as my coach and could not recommend her more highly - for those that align with Lisa. IYKYK, you can't just have any coach and expect it to work like magic, it has to be the person for you and you have to be ALL IN. There are so many people all in and there for everything Lisa does so RUN don't walk if you want to be part of this incredible community Lisa has created.

It's completely judgment free, no bullshit, raw, authentic, sweary and beautiful. I first met Lisa in 2017 and I remember the revelations I got just meeting her. I can be a supportive, space holding person AND be my loud northern self. Lisa is the proof. The work that I have done with Lisa by my side over the past few years has been exceptional and I am so proud of myself, and so fucking excited for whats to come! THANK YOU LISA I LOVE YOU XX'

'Everything she puts out there is so worthwhile and so much of her work even before getting to 121 coaching has had a major impact on my mindset and outlook. 

I actually realised that just before working with Lisa I hadn't really done anything to invest in myself personally or my business growth. I have literally been winging it! 

I learnt so much actual practical business stuff from Lisa. The 'smallest' tweaks to stuff I was already putting out there have had a huge impact on my mindset and my profit.

Things that felt like huge jumps that I couldn't manage. Things that had been taking up way too much headspace, once done were quite insignificant in terms of stress, but impactful in terms of business ownership and forward momentum. probably most importantly, I've had real revelations about the way I think when I'm autopilot and how limiting that can be. I know myself so much better than I did before. She undoubtedly has sped me along and given me huge value, but at the same time I have what I need within to smash on for now. I also feel really emotional writing that, because confidence has not been a main player in my life for a long time!! I'll be shouting from the rooftops about Lisa to anyone who will listen. If you think you could benefit from a bit of coaching, I promise you'll benefit from it being with Lisa.'


'I love this woman! Lisa is so wise and wonderful - I feel blessed to have her support. She is amazing at holding space, developing people and helping you to show up as your "best self" - as cliche as that sounds - in business, but also in life. I learn so much every call and always leave with a renewed sense of purpose and energy. If Lisa speaks to you, then she IS your person - could not love being coached by Lisa any more if I tried!'

'I love having you in my pocket! I actually came for business coaching but it’s been so much more! I’m building confidence and clarity in my whole life. Investing in your in 1:1 coaching with you has been without a doubt the best business decision I’ve made!

I’ve invested in courses and content before and always felt a bit disappointed but this has been the opposite.

It’s been one of the best investments I’ve made in myself and my business hands down and I only wish I found you sooner!'



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